Round two of the front page structure changes...

Tom Rhodes trhodes at
Tue Dec 2 23:16:38 UTC 2003

On Tue, 02 Dec 2003 16:51:48 -0600
Mark Linimon <linimon at> wrote:

> I don't have too much of a problem with any of this, but now that I read
> over the live page, I think we've got the security advisories too far down
> the page.  Suggestions?

I like it on the front page for the simple fact that it makes
users readily aware of the 'latest' security announcements.

But a good argument here would be "We have two lists dedicated
to security and a portion of the site dedicated to security.
Should it be included on the front page?"

While they both seem to me as a matter of preference, I'm open
to suggestions as well.  Move it somewhere else, just link to
the page, or ... ?

> Also I might suggest switching the order of 'software' and 'platform 
> support',
> since 'software' is the more general of the two.  Perhaps 'platform support'
> should even be a subhead of 'software'?  I'm just brainstorming here.

These are good ideas indeed.  I'm partial to either or so lets get
a few other thoughts on it.

> I want to add, however, that "Development" looks pretty close to the
> Right Thing for me, and not just because part of it was my idea :-),
> it just "looks right" now.

I like it.  A thought I had was to seperate the development projects
into two seperate parts.  Projects as part of the FreeBSD Project,
and outside projects that may be of interest to users...

> There's plenty of other work to do on this stuff IMHO.

I'll drink to that.  I'm only worried that we, *I*, might get
carried away here.  While I'm attempting to seperate the links
into more logical groupings and making it easier for first time
or occasional visitors to locate information, this could quickly
lead to an intimidating front page.  But that is what we have the
ever impressive 'More?' option.

Tom Rhodes

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