Proposed addition to the mail section of the handbook

Josef El-Rayes j.el-rayes at
Tue Dec 2 09:17:08 UTC 2003

Bill Moran <wmoran at> wrote:
> Not offended.  All good points.
> While I can't argue your 4-line patch logic, where would 
> it go that it
> would be discoverable information?  The advantage of my 
> patch is that
> it creates a section that a user will be able to easily 
> find.  I also
> suspect (although I could be wrong) that the section I 
> created may be
> expanded to explain how to achieve the same goal using 
> sendmail, which
> (to me) is a good idea, since sendmail comes with 
> FreeBSD.

should this really be covered by the handbook? isn't
the handbook a resource for freebsd specific topics?

explaining how to use xyz-MTA for forwarding mails to another ISP
is not the task of the handbook, this is covered by xyz' docs.

greets, josef

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