About translation of Handbook

Nguyen Tam Chinh chinhngt at mail.ru
Mon Dec 1 15:53:27 UTC 2003

Good evening,

I've just registered to this mailling list for some day. Here are my first 
problems :):
- I want to translate some of materials (at first the handbook) in the fdp to 
my mother lang-vietnamese. I would start this work right after receiving an 
accepting answer from you, coordinators of the fdp. What's your opinions?
- The standart font for vietnamese language is utf-8, is this okay for a i18n 
handbook? (may be someone prefer to use the old viqr, tcvn or vps fonts)
That's all. Waiting for your reply.
With best regards,
Nguyen Tam Chinh
CMC - MSU - R.F.

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