Another "annoying" trademark :)

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Tue Aug 26 12:23:00 UTC 2003

On 2003.08.26 09:51:48 +0200, Marc Fonvieille wrote:

> Well I just read this:
> XFree86(TM) is a trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc, and is pending
> registration.

There is no policy on usage of the trademark on the XFree86 website, so
I wrote them a mail two weeks requesting some sort of guidelines.  So
far I have only recieved a mail saying that they have recieved my mail,
and that my mail has been forwarded to the XFree86 Bord Of Directors /

When I hear something back, and if they request that we use (tm), I plan
handle it like the other trademarks.  The reason that I didn't just
include it in my current work, is that some organizations don't
request/require that you use trademark symbols.  Most prominent examples
are... FreeBSD and Linux.  I have no idea what effect that have with
regards to protecting the trademark.

Of course the FreeBSD trademark is a more complicated story due to the
Walnut Creek -> BSDi -> Wind River acquisitions.

> Maybe we can wait for the registration to be effective...

That could take a very long time, so when somebody from XFree86 respond,
I plan to handle it along with all the other unregistered trademarks.
E.g. the registration process of 'FreeBSD' took 2 years acording to US
Patent & Trademark office records, and the XFree86 trademark claim was
only filed 2003-04-22.

> TradeMarc


Simon L. Nielsen
FreeBSD Documentation Team
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