Could you please correct my information

G. Adam Stanislav adam at
Sat Aug 23 17:45:51 UTC 2003


I have not been an active participant here for a long time due to my poor 
health. But I hope you remember me. I am the guy who wrote the sockets 
section of the developer's handbook, as well as the assembly language tutorial.

I went through a very poor health period, almost died a year ago, when I 
spent a month in the hospital and had a toe amputated, was placed on 
disability, and haven't been able to do much work (or much of anything) 
since. Shortly after my amputation, my main domain expired and some !@##$% 
quickly registered it for himself in the hope of making a quick buck off of 
it (yeah, right).

Because of that, any and all information about me in the FreeBSD 
documentation and ports is incorrect. My email address was stolen, my web 
site address was stolen.

So, could you please correct my email address in the docs (and porters 
sections) to adam at Also, I have created a subdomain, so any 
resources listed in the ports as going to my old web site URL can be 
accessed from the new one. It is the same web site (and ftp site), just has 
a different domain. So, anything (in the ports) that says can be accessed at and 
anything listed as is at 
- could someone please change these listings.


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