freebsd install

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Wed Aug 20 14:41:59 UTC 2003

David Collins wrote:
> "Probing devices, please wait (this can take a while)...
> How long is "a while"? I have waited over 2 hours!

Please use the freebsd-questions mailing list instead of docs for this kind of 
question.  Anyway, to give you an answer, it should only be a few seconds: your 
machine may have crashed when probing the hardware.

Make sure that BIOS "PNP OS" setting is set to "NO" and disable any hardware you 
don't need in the BIOS and in the FreeBSD initial config screen.  If you still 
have problems, then provide more details (what version of FreeBSD, what hardware 
you have) to <freebsd-questions at>.



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