Hardware notes

Tom Rhodes trhodes at FreeBSD.org
Tue Aug 12 17:20:55 UTC 2003

On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 02:13:19 +0900 (JST)
Hiroki Sato <hrs at eos.ocn.ne.jp> wrote:

> Eric Anderson <anderson at centtech.com> wrote
>   in <3F391569.6080104 at centtech.com>:
> anderson> If there's still an interest in this, I can whip up some code and we can 
> anderson> give it a try - but I would like to hear at least one person say "I'll 
> anderson> help enter data."
>  I am interested in this.  A list of actual vender/model names of
>  supported hardware is useful, but from the maintainer's point of view,
>  it is a very hard job to keep such information up-to-date as Bruce said.
>  Although I agree with the idea to gut out descriptions in the hardware
>  notes down to the device driver level, I think maintaining information
>  about individual devices out of the notes is still valuable.
>  If we have a hardware database separately from the hardware notes,
>  can we ask a lot of FreeBSD users to enter their hardware info via WWW
>  interface or so?  Maho's USB device compatibility list [*] has used a
>  similar model.  The list includes >200 devices, but manually
>  maintained via email now.

IIRC, one of the largest problems we have encountered was that sites
which mirror our web pages might not be capable of working with
a database.  Perhaps an externally ran database and just a hardware
search page?

Tom Rhodes

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