docs/55306: [patch] adds filemanagers to desktop applications section

Josef El-Rayes j.el-rayes at
Wed Aug 6 12:30:15 UTC 2003

>Number:         55306
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] adds filemanagers to desktop applications section
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Aug 06 05:30:13 PDT 2003
>Originator:     Josef El-Rayes
>Release:        FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #8: Tue Jul 22 18:16:23 CEST 2003 root at i386

		this patchs adds a section about filemanagers. including
		some text about konqueror, xfce4-fm, nautilus, and
		rox-filer - a short description and install information.

		why did i write this lines? i think, filemanagers are
		essential parts of todays desktop work especially for 
		people coming from a windows background.


--- chapter.sgml.diff begins here ---
--- chapter.sgml.orig	Sun Aug  3 12:59:01 2003
+++ chapter.sgml	Wed Aug  6 14:22:40 2003
@@ -370,6 +370,144 @@
+  <sect1 id="desktop-filemanagers">
+    <title>Filemanagers</title>
+    <para>Especially for people coming from a Windows or Mac OS 
+    background, graphical filemanagers play an essential role in
+    their daily computer usage. Both the <application>KDE</application>
+    and <application>GNOME</application> desktop environments come
+    with excellent applications, that do more than just help to organize
+    your filesystem.</para>
+    <para>This section covers these applications:</para>
+    <informaltable>
+      <tgroup cols="4">
+	<thead>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry>Application Name</entry>
+	    <entry>Resources Needed</entry>
+	    <entry>Installation from Ports</entry>
+	    <entry>Major Dependencies</entry>
+	  </row>
+	</thead>
+	<tbody>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><application>Konqueror</application></entry>
+	    <entry>medium</entry>
+	    <entry>heavy</entry>
+	    <entry><application>KDE</application></entry>
+	  </row>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><application>Nautilus</application></entry>
+	    <entry>medium</entry>
+	    <entry>heavy</entry>
+	    <entry><application>GNOME</application>-related libraries</entry>
+	  </row>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><application>xfce4-fm</application></entry>
+	    <entry>light</entry>
+	    <entry>light</entry>
+	    <entry><application>Gtk+</application>
+	  </row>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><application>Rox Filer</application></entry>
+	    <entry>light</entry>
+	    <entry>light</entry>
+	    <entry><application>GNOME</application>-related libraries</entry>
+	  </row>
+	</tgroup>
+    </informaltable>
+    <sect2>
+      <title>Konqueror</title>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary><application>Konqueror</application></primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para><application>Konqueror</application> is the key application of the <application>K Desktop Environment</application>. It serves as a Webbrowser, Filemanager and documents viewer.
+      Although it is integrated in <application>KDE</application> it can be used as
+      a standalone application. It is a HTML 4.01 compliant Webbrowser, with support for
+      CSS, Javascript and Plugins for Java, Flash and SSL. Like Mozilla it comes with Tabs
+      for browsing. 
+      Konqueror is also a universal viewing application, able to display images and 
+      documents without having to launch another application.
+      It allows you to do local and remote network file browsing, and applications 
+      may be launched with a click.</para>
+     <para>To install <application>Konqueror</application> you have to 
+     install this port:</para> 
+     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/x11/kdebase3</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make install clean</userinput></screen>
+  <para>Additional information about Konqueror is available at <ulink url="">
+ </para>
+  </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="Nautilus">
+      <title>Nautilus</title>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary><application>Nautilus</application></primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>Initially developed by Eazel, <application>Nautilus</application> is now maintained
+      by the <application>GNOME</application> Project. It is the 
+      <application>Konqueror</application>-pendant in the GNOME-World - allows you to
+      manage your files and folders, or browse your LAN through Samba and NFS. 
+      The left part of the window features a <application>Mozilla</application>-style
+      sidebar.</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/nautilus2</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make install clean</userinput></screen>
+      <para>For further information visit the <ulink url="">
+      official project page</ulink>.
+      </para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="xfce4-fm">
+      <title>XFCE4 Filemanager</title>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary><application>XFCE4 Filemanager</application>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>This is the filemanager that comes with <application>xfce4</application>-desktop,
+      which can be used as a standalone application. It features bookmarks to create
+      virtual directories with local files and remote SMB network files or shares. The 
+      filemanager is able to mount and unmount <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> entries.
+      There is also support for thrashbins.</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4-fm</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make install clean</userinput></screen>
+      <para>More information is available at <ulink url="">
+      http:/</ulink></para>
+   </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="rox-filer">
+      <title>Rox Filer</title>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary><application>Rox Filer</application>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>While other filemanagers are sometimes a bit ponderous, this one is
+      fast and lightweight. It features a powerful expression-based find feature,
+      a pop-up minibuffer allows navigating the filesystem using shell-style tab 
+      completion. Like xfce4-fm it is also able to mount and unmount filesystems.
+      </para>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4-fm</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make install clean</userinput></screen>
+      <para>Additional information is available at the rox-filer project page 
+      at <ulink url=""></ulink></para>
+    </sect2>
+  </sect1>
   <sect1 id="desktop-productivity">
--- chapter.sgml.diff ends here ---


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