[REVIEW REQUEST] nsmb.conf manual page.

Sergey A. Osokin osa at FreeBSD.org
Wed Aug 6 08:40:46 UTC 2003

On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 06:03:44PM -0400, Tom Rhodes wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Aug 2003 18:02:09 -0400
> Tom Rhodes <trhodes at freebsd.org> wrote:
> > Greetings everyone,
> > 
> > 	Located in PR: docs/45833 is a manual page, nsmb.conf.  This
> > PR got assigned to me awhile ago (by myself) and I've finally got
> > around to working on it.  Ruslan has checked the mdoc(7) markup,
> > and I've rewritten several parts of the manual page.  Now I would
> > like to commit it.  Please find the attached nsmb.conf.5 manual page
> > and give me your comments.  For extensive comments, please include
> > a snip-it of what you consider a feasible replacement or addition.
> > 
> > Thank you, now read, hit your reply button and send me some comments.
> > Only then can you return to your normal work schedule without any
> > further hassle (from me anyways).
> Score one 'duh' point for me, and while you're at it, pass me the
> FreeBSD pointy hat.  It should be attached now and I'll go sit
> in the corner for a little while.

Tom, what do you think about cleanup src/etc/nsmb.conf?
Patch attached.


Rgdz,                        /"\  ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN
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-------------- next part --------------
Index: src/etc/nsmb.conf
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/nsmb.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 nsmb.conf
--- src/etc/nsmb.conf	22 Apr 2002 16:18:36 -0000	1.4
+++ src/etc/nsmb.conf	6 Aug 2003 08:36:17 -0000
@@ -4,53 +4,5 @@
 #	1. ~/.nsmbrc
 #	2. /etc/nsmb.conf - if this file found it will
 #	   override values with same keys from user files.
-# This file consist from a set of sections. Each section started by section name
-# surrounded with square brackets:
-# [section_name]
-# End of the section marked either by new section or by the end of file.
-# Each section can contain zero or more parameters:
-# [section_name]
-# key=value
-# where 'key' represents parameter name and 'value' a value assigned
-# to this parameter.
-# SMB library uses next forms of section names (please note that the section
-# name should be in upper case when it refers to server, user or share):
-# A) [default]
-# B) [SERVER]
-# Here is the map of possible keywords:
-# keyword/section	A  B  C  D	Comment
-# addr			-  +  -  -	IP or IPX address of SMB server
-# charsets		+  +  +  +	local:remote charset pair
-# nbns			+  +  -	 -	address of NetBIOS name server (WINS)
-# nbscope		+  +  -	 -	NetBIOS scope
-# nbtimeout		+  +  -	 -	timeout for NetBIOS name servers
-# password		-  -  +	 +	a plain text password used to access to the given share
-# retry_count		+  +  -	 -	number of retries before connection marked as broken
-# timeout		+  +  -	 -	SMB request timeout
-# workgroup		+  +  +  +	name of workgroup
-# A simple configuration example:
-# First, define a workgroup.
-# The 'FSERVER' is an NT server.
-# use persistent password cache for user 'joe'
+# See nsmb.conf(5) for details. Also look at
+# /usr/share/examples/etc/nsmb.conf.
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