Security-officer PGP Key?

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Tue Aug 5 19:39:37 UTC 2003

On 2003.08.05 12:18:04 -0700, Dave Tweten wrote:
> I just received a PGP signed message, supposedly from 
> security-officer at, for which I did not have the matching public 
> key.  Reflexively, I fetched it, and then began looking into it with an 
> eye toward signing it so PGP would no longer call it "untrusted."
> To my shock, I found I had two public keys for security-officer, one 
> vintage 4/22/1996,


pub  1024D/CA6CDFB2 2002-08-27 FreeBSD Security Officer <security-officer at>
     Key fingerprint = C374 0FC5 69A6 FBB1 4AED  B131 15D6 8804 CA6C DFB2
sub  2048g/A3071809 2002-08-27

pub  1024R/73D288A5 1996-04-22 FreeBSD Security Officer (Deprecated key) <security-officer at>
     Key fingerprint = 41 08 4E BB DB 41 60 71  F9 E5 0E 98 73 AF 3F 11
uid                            FreeBSD Security Officer <security-officer at>

I just checked that the the announcment I recieved was signed with
CA6CDFB2 which is listed as the current key.  The new key CA6CDFB2 is,
among others, signed by the old key 73D288A5.

> My next step was to check the list of valid keys at the back of the 
> FreeBSD Handbook.  Further shock.  It lists the 4/22/1996 key and not the 
> more recent one just downloaded.  I immediately deleted the more recent 
> key, and drafted this message.

Which exact handbook version are you refering to?  Everything looks
OK to me.

Simon L. Nielsen
FreeBSD Documentation Team
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