Little UFS2 FAQ

Chris Pepper pepper at
Wed Apr 23 17:07:09 UTC 2003

At 4:46 PM +0200 2003/04/23, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
>On 2003.04.23 10:36:57 -0400, The Anarcat wrote:
>>  > If this is considered useful maybe the Doc Team should be in charge?
>>  This is definitly doc people stuff and they should be contacted.
>This seems to be very useful. I would be happy to mark it up in SGML but
>I'm not sure where it would fit best.  The FAQ seems obvious but if we
>are moving toward integrating the FAQ into the Handbook...
>[Added -doc to CC]

	Couls we get a little context here? I assume you're talking 
about a short article someone's offering, but it would help to see (a 
URL for) the article itself, or at least a better description of it.


						Chris Pepper
Chris Pepper:               <>
Rockefeller University:     <>

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