Upgrading to 5.0

Dave mudman at metafocus.net
Wed Apr 16 10:45:47 UTC 2003

/* Foreword  (skip to The Point if you don't want the rant) */

Hi, I just tried to upgrade to 5.0 RELEASE from 4.8 RELEASE and I damn
near killed myself.  Luckily someone had an freebsd recovery CD iso on the
net I had a friend burn it for me.  So, I live to tell the tale yet (yes,
I was dumb for not having a backup etc.. etc.. earlier...)

And at the moment, I'm still a bit shaken up after the nightmares.  My
main problem is the FreeBSD disklabel defaults (a few years back when I
first got into FBSD) gave me some 50MB on my "/" (root) partition and it
turns out that isn't cutting it with all those new files in /sbin these
days (in 5.0).  I get all thse 'device full' messages and since then its
been allllll down hill.

While searching the handbook, google, and who knows what else trying to
dig myself out of the mud, I did notice there was some documentation on
5.0, but no real comprehensive guide for going from 4.X to 5.0.

I'm a cvsup'r ...  somewhere during installworld the thing gags because it
lacks a system call (obviously which would be found in the newly generated
kernel) -- but! -- if it had continued instead of gagging, it would of put
in the damned boot loader I needed =-)  And I rebooted.....

whoa ho, the confs were wrong and 0.8 didn't cut it...  and I tried to fix
it but device was full... and and and...  anyway, it got bad =-)

/* End Foreword */

/* The Point */

Either I've missed it (if this is the case, can someone
direct me to the docs), and if not.. Can any gurus out there put out a
nice guide for The Lost Ones (i.e., me)  to somewhat safely go from 4.X to
5.0 (especially for non-CD people, like cvs(up), etc.. ) ?

/* End Point */

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