XHTML and the website

Bruce A. Mah bmah at FreeBSD.org
Sun Apr 6 23:03:11 UTC 2003

If memory serves me right, Ceri Davies wrote:

> In August last year, a commit was made to change the website to XHTML, and
> since then, all the documents built from SGML have been happily announcing
> in their DOCTYPE declaration that they are XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
> However, with the exception of the front page of the web site, they aren't;
> none of them validate.

I might note that all of the documents in our documentation set also
claim to be XHTML.  I wonder about them?  If they're compliant, fixing
*them* might be kind of hard since a lot of the XHTML is generated
from the toolchain.

Like Murray, the cost/benefit ratio is a little hazy to me, but I'd
say as long as you're willing, and it doesn't break anything, go for

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