XHTML and the website

Ceri Davies setantae at submonkey.net
Sun Apr 6 09:53:07 UTC 2003

On Sat, Apr 05, 2003 at 01:49:18PM -0800, Murray Stokely wrote:
> What are the benefits of the full transition?  What cool new XML tools
> will this allow us to use?  How will this enhance the look and feel of
> the website?  etc..

I don't know that there would be any other benefits; all this would get
us is a web site that validates.  Perhaps someone else more familiar with
the tools available could offer a suggestion, but in my opinion XHTML, by
it's very nature, is lacking most of the benefits of XML anyway.

[  Having said that, having XHTML documents that validate would be more useful
   than having ones that don't ;)  ]

> I'm not against it, but it seems like a lot of work that could be
> better spent improving the Handbook or something if there aren't some
> more apparent benefits.

That's a fair point; since there's still work to be done before this can
work properly anyway, I'll background it for now, but at some point I'd like
to revisit this (ever since I noticed this it's been bugging me).


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