Error 2002 (HY000) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Sun Feb 18 22:19:21 UTC 2007

Rajen Jani (BT Yahoo! Broadband) wrote:
> Hi  everyone,
>           I have installed mySQL server 5.0.27 from the ports directory.
> Everytime I connect to it using
> "mysql -h localhost -u rajen -p" I get the above error. I have no idea
> as to how I can resolve this
> problem. I have tried telneting localhost and it says that the
> connection is refused. Please suggest
> how I can get around this, Thanks.

Is MySQL daemon runnig? What is output of command:
ps -auxwww | grep mysqld

and output of

ls -al /tmp/mysql.sock

Can you connect to MySQL from other software, or by mysql -h 
-u rajen -p ?

Miroslav Lachman

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