Mysql server not able to stay running on anything but Linux?

Kris Kennaway kris at
Wed Oct 12 14:08:07 PDT 2005

On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 01:16:22PM -0700, NMH wrote:
>  Hi
>   I am stuck with a delema and I feel like a damn
> troll. But.. I have a Mysql Database that I posted
> about earlier. It seems that it is only able to not
> die by running on BSD 4.11 with Linux Threads. My boss
> is convinced this means that Linux is better for MySQL
> and wants that installed now.
>  We even got a support contact from Mysql that so far
> has gotten us nothing for almost a month while our
> production database server died up to 3 times a day.
> (and lots of we're looking into it's)
>  We were running fine but a little slow on FreeBSD
> 5.1-P11 and MySQL 4.0.18.(apperantly before a big Lib
> change) We had to move quicker than we wanted to a new
> server running FreeBSD 5.4 and MySQL 4.11 (becouse of
> a dual HD death) Under production load the new 5.4
> server fell over regulary. It has only now become
> stable by wiping it and running it on FreeBSD 4.11
> with Linux Threads. (it regularly has over 400+
> threads)

Unfortunately you'll need to provide details of how it "fell over"
(e.g. panic messages + backtraces).  You might have better luck with
6.0-RELEASE or 5.4-STABLE, since a number of bugs have been fixed in
5.4-RELEASE..but without more details it's impossible to say whether
that will help, or if you're encountering something genuinely new.

>   Can anyone help or offer assistance to help track
> this down? Perhaps also any annecdotes or examples I
> can show my boss that other people have as busy MYSQL
> databases on BSD 5.X. We paid 3K to Mysql for help and
> so far they have been unable to offer any clues as to
> why ours will not stay stable on anything but Linux
> threads. I feel really sad that so far no one has
> responded to my posts and it feels like a victory for
> linux. 

If I was your boss I'd be asking why mysql hasn't delivered on their
support contract.

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