Big DB (100G+) w/ MySQL 4.1 and FreeBSD 4?

Michael Barrett mike.freebsddb at
Tue Jul 19 06:21:36 GMT 2005

    Does anyone here have any experience with dealing with large MySQL 4.1 databases (over 100 gigs) on FreeBSD 4.x?  I'm running into performance issues with a similar setup, and I wanted to compare notes with anyone else who may have tried this.  Our current setup is:

        Dell 2650 w/ 2CPU's (533 FSB) and 3G  of RAM
        FreeBSD 4.11 running SMP
        MySQL 4.1.12 using LinuxThreads

    Our tables are almost completely innodb using seperate files per table. The size of our mysql datadir is around 199 Gigs.

    We're seeing all sorts of weird performance issues.  The biggest 'issue' we're seeing is that some queries take over a minute to return, yet the system itself (CPU, disks, etc) see almost no activity while this is going on.  We had the MySQL AB folks out to take a look, and even running their pre-built binary (w/ LinuxThreads) from their website we saw the same issues.  They agreed that 'something was wrong', but couldn't give us any quick ideas on what exactly we could do about it.

    If you do have experience with a system around the size of ours with similar setup, I'd love to hear about your experiences.  Also, seeing any loader.conf, sysctl.conf, my.cnf, and general tips about kernel configuration would be awesome.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.
                Mike Barrett | "We have veggie bacon, why don't we have
             mike at |  meat fruit?"
     |    -- My ex-coworker, Ben

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