
John Brooks john at
Tue Aug 26 20:42:17 PDT 2003

Assuming the following:

1) you have root control of the box
2) you have correctly installed the 'ports system'
3) you have correctly updated ports via cvsup
4) you are able to properly configure the applications

Note: the ports system compiles applications from source
      code, this is NOT installing pre-compiled binaries
      as would be the case with 'pkg_add'

Follow these steps:

1) cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql40-server
   make install
2) cd /usr/ports/www/apache13-modssl
   make install
3) cd /usr/ports/www/mod_php4
   make install

You would do well to read this:

John Brooks
john at

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Magnusson [mailto:glm at]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:06 PM
To: john at
Cc: freebsd-database at
Subject: RE: mysql_install

re:  ports system

Correct, I have not installed mysql from the FreeBSD ports
system.  Currently, I am attempting to use a download from the
site that can be burned to a disk.

I just noticed that version 4 is stable now, so I am going to try the new

   My current intention is to create a simplified installation procedure
for FreeBSD - MySQL - Apache and PHP.  I have attempted 42 installations to
date without success.  I have had FreeBSD and Apache working, but I have
yet to have MySQL working standalone.....
   Is there a port that installs Apache-PHP and MySQL?
   Is there an easy way to install the above system with libmcrypt, open +
   I have been using the pkg_add system for other applications, and it is a
nice system.  What I have been dreaming about is a simplified system of
installing a FreeBSD-Apache-PHP-MySQL server.  If this port exists, please
advise.  I am ready to hear about an easy way of doing this.

 >BTW, when installed properly, the 'mysql user' will have a UID of 88 and a
 >GID of 88 - it is unlikely that you have achieved that with 'adduser'.

I choose user id 888.  You have made me think that I could use a separate
group.  Currently my machine has only one group...default group of #14 I

Greg Magnusson
glm at

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