Bug related to ACLs in cvsweb

Eitan Adler lists at eitanadler.com
Tue May 28 14:43:50 UTC 2013

On 28 May 2013 15:43, Johan Myreen <jem at iki.fi> wrote:
> Yes, I know cvsweb has not been touched in eight years. But it is still
> included in the major Linux distros (and FreeBSD too, I guess). So, for the
> benefit of anybody who might stumble into the same problem, I decided to
> publish my findings and the fix in a place where they can be found by
> someone who is looking for a solution. That's also why I included the
> keywords at the end of the message.

Makes sense - thanks for the info.

> I now see that apparently search engines are not welcome to index the
> mailing list archives, so my effort was somewhat in vain.

Other archives are indexed.   I'm not sure why ours isn't.

>> I would suggest you use viewvc instead.
> Thanks for the tip, but our team will be migrating our repository from CVS
> to Git as soon as possible. This could take a while, but we can live with
> the current version of cvsweb in the meantime.


Eitan Adler

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