Failed to spawn GNU rlog when try look to big directory.

Kuido Lehtmets kuido at
Tue Jun 10 07:16:32 UTC 2008

Tnx for answer. I'm not perl programmer. How I can check this ARG_MAX value?

Before I run this cvsweb in Solaris 10 and I have no problem with this big
dirs. I will compare this value in Solaris and RedHat. How do this?

> Am Freitag, den 06.06.2008, 11:56 +0300 schrieb Kuido Lehtmets:
>> All working OK with cvs when dir includes about 2000 and little more
>> files. When in dir is 3000 and more files then I have this error:
>> Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog on "/export/cvsroot/source/oradb......
>> What I do an how check:
>> File prmissions is OK, All working with other dirs.
>> I make a copy from one of this big dirs. cvsweb dont working.
>> Then I start deleting some files. When  ls -la | wc -l
>> shows 2291 all working again, maybe 2500 or something like this is
>> limit.
> I guess, this is an ARG_MAX issue ("Argument list too long"). But this
> is just a guess. If I'm right: @Jonathan: Can you split the argument
> list in such a case?
> Regards, Daniel
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Kuido Lehtmets

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