Error in cvsweb - CentOS Linux 4.1

Salazar Aleman Pablo Cesar PCSALALE at
Fri Jul 27 00:55:28 UTC 2007


HI admins,


I have a throuble with a CGI CVS.


I install and configure the cvsweb but I have next error:



Error: No valid CVS roots found! See @CVSrepositories in the configuration file (/var/www/cgi-bin/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf).


FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb at>



In the configuration file /var/www/cgi-bin/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf I have this:


@CVSrepositories = (

        'POS'   => ['POS', '/u01/POS'],

#       'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD',          '/var/ncvs'],

#       'openbsd' => ['OpenBSD',          '/var/ncvs'],

#       'netbsd'  => ['NetBSD',           '/var/ncvs'],

#       'ruby'    => ['Ruby',             '/var/anoncvs/ruby'],




On the /etc/httpd/logs/error_log file:


Root '/u01/POS' defined in @CVSrepositories is not a directory, entry ignored at /var/www/cgi-bin/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi line 493.

[Thu Jul 26 15:57:38 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/etc, referer:

Root '/u01/POS' defined in @CVSrepositories is not a directory, entry ignored at /var/www/cgi-bin/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi line 493.

[Thu Jul 26 15:57:39 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/etc, referer:



On the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf



# Note: this affects all mod_perl scripts in the server, not just cvsweb.cgi.

# mod_perl >= 1.99:

<IfModule mod_perl.c>

PerlSwitches -T



<Location /cgi-bin/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi>


   # See also $charset in cvsweb.conf.

   #AddDefaultCharset UTF-8


   # mod_perl >= 1.99:

   <IfModule mod_perl.c>

   SetHandler perl-script

   PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry

   PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

   Options ExecCGI



   #mod_perl < 1.99:

   # TODO




If I change the line about repository on the / var/www/cgi-bin/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf as follow:


@CVSrepositories = (

        'POS'   => ['POS', '/var/www'],

#       'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD',          '/var/ncvs'],

#       'openbsd' => ['OpenBSD',          '/var/ncvs'],

#       'netbsd'  => ['NetBSD',           '/var/ncvs'],

#       'ruby'    => ['Ruby',             '/var/anoncvs/ruby'],



I not have error:


CVS Repository

This is a WWW interface for CVS repositories. You can browse the file hierarchy by following directory links (which have slashes after them, e.g. src/). If you follow a link to a file, you will see its revision history. Following a link labeled with a revision number will display that revision of the file. In the revision history view, there is a link near each revision to display diffs between that revision and the previous one, and a form at the bottom of the page that allows you to display diffs between arbitrary revisions. 

This script has been written by Bill Fenner and improved by Henner Zeller, Henrik Nordström, and Ken Coar, then Akinori MUSHA brought it back to FreeBSD community and made further improvements; it is covered by The BSD Licence <> . 

If you would like to use this CGI script on your own web server and CVS tree, download the latest version from <>. 

Feel free to send any patches, suggestions and comments to the FreeBSD-CVSweb mailing list at <freebsd-cvsweb at>. 

CVS Root: [POS] Module path or alias: 



  <>  cgi-bin/ <> 

 <>  error/ <> 

 <>  html/ <> 

 <>  icons/ <> 

 <>  manual/ <> 

 <>  mrtg/ <> 

 <>  usage/ <> 


General options 

Sort files by: 

, case-insensitive: 

Hide files in Attic: 

Sort log by: 

Show line numbers: 

Diff format: 


FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb at>



The permission files are:


[root at fclnxcvs cvsweb]# ls -ld /u01

drwxrwxr-x  15 root cvsroot 4096 Jun 14 17:58 /u01

[root at fclnxcvs cvsweb]# ls -ld /u01/POS

drwxrwxr-x  19 root cvsroot 4096 Jul 26 16:49 /u01/POS

[root at fclnxcvs cvsweb]#



The user apache is into on cvsroot group:


[root at fclnxcvs cvsweb]# id apache

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache),501(cvsroot)

[root at fclnxcvs cvsweb]#

[root at fclnxcvs cvsweb]# id cvsroot

uid=502(cvsroot) gid=501(cvsroot) groups=501(cvsroot)

[root at fclnxcvs cvsweb]#



Any idea about this????





Pablo Cesar Salazar Alemán

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