Downloading RAIDA package from cvsweb - cannot obtain tarball

John Apostolakis John.Apostolakis at
Fri Sep 22 01:48:17 PDT 2006

Dear colleague,

I was trying to download the RAIDA package, to look and potentially try
it out.
I found

But utilising the buttons for a tarball or zip file did not work, giving
the following error message:
"cvs [export aborted]: cannot write
Permission denied"

I will appreciate if you could assist in overcoming this.

Thank you in advance,
John Apostolakis
 John Apostolakis            Email:  John.Apostolakis at
 CERN, PH dep., SFT group    Phone:  +41 22 767-7239
 Geneva, Switzerland         Mobile: +41 76 487-4525

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