Hello guys.... libgd.so.2: cannot open shared object file for
Arian Hojat
armyofda12mnkeys at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 02:20:23 PST 2005
hey i got the 1st problem solved... i needed to take libgd out of
default install directory and put it in /usr/lib (wiyh rest of libs
like libjpeg and libpng) instead of /usr/lcoal/lib
i still get an error when....
> Also small issue i guess, i dont get this line in the tutorial:
> "Note (and install)? also the
> cvsgraph.png icon in the icons/ directory."
> I dont see a cvsgraph.png anywhere in the extracted directory to copy
> to /icons.?
> THANX guys in advance!
AND... i just figured out this is a new peoblem... but this might be
more of a CBSweb issue. when i goto.... view: text, markup, ANNODATED
i get an error for annodation, i guess cvsgraph isnt used here?
'Annotation of se_cvs/se1/se4.xml, revision 1.1
Status: 500 Internal Error
Content-Type: text/html
Error: Error occured during annotate: error
anyway if anyone can help me with that too, that would be great.
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