Web server file handling problem

fullah at csc.com.au fullah at csc.com.au
Tue Oct 26 00:55:44 PDT 2004

I have installed CVSWEB version 3.0.2 and its working well upto the
directory level.

My web server is configured to handle .cfm files by the Coldfusion MX
server. All files in my repository has a .cfm extension.
All links generated by cvsweb have direct file names in it eg,
So the web server directs the links to Coldfusion server rather than to

The OS is RedHat linux  AS 3.0 and the web server is its httpd (basically
apache 2.0) web server + Coldfusion Mx 6.1 server.

Is there anyway I can force the web server not to redirect these urls to
Coldfusion Mx server?

My suggestion is to change cvsweb.cgi to pass the filename/path as url
So that  it would create the links to something like
http://someserver.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi?path=/myapps/myscript.cfm and
handle them accordingly. But I am not a Perl programmer.

Please Help.

Best regards,
Faiz Ullah
Snr Analyst Programmer
Ph: 02 9034 2311

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