Bug in sub hrefquote

VilleSkyttä scop at FreeBSD.org
Wed Aug 11 04:10:19 PDT 2004

> >> 	There's probably other ways to do this (like urlencode), but this
> >> seems simpler.
> >I would like to get rid of hrefquote() altogether.  Will look into it
> >soonish.

Ok, that's done now.  I went through all of the code reviewing URI
escaping and fixed a number of bugs and got rid of urlencode() and
hrefquote() altogether in favour of using stuff from URI::Escape.

Unless something new pops up, I'm going to release 3.0.2 soonish from
what is currently in CVS HEAD.  Testing (and reporting how it works :)
would be welcome.

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