FAQ and a "no such file or directory" message
John Stoner
johnstoner2 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 23 11:40:37 PDT 2003
I've looked all over and I can't seem to find a FAQ
for cvsweb, or much doc. If anyone knows of a FAQ,
please direct me to it. (Actually, it would probably
be a good idea to put a link on the subscription page
for this list.)
So pardon me if this is an obvious question. I am
pretty new to CVS and entirely new to cvsweb.
I have just set up my repository on my webserver,
outside my webserver docroot. I have put cvsweb.cgi in
a cgi-bin directory, set $config to point to my
cvsweb.conf file, and set CVSrepostories thus:
@CVSrepositories = (
'local' => ['Local Repository',
when I hit the cvsweb script, I get an error page,
Error: cvs/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi: no such file or
I'm pretty sure I have the right CVSROOT. I'm going
directly to the cgi itself, with no extra path info
(and when I put in extra path info, I get other
I also think the contents of my repository are
readable to my webserver. They are world-readable.
Are there any setup steps I missed? What can I be
doing wrong? And if there's a better place for me to
ask this kind of question, where is it?
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