base compiler & build options

Dimitry Andric dim at
Fri Apr 23 19:44:55 UTC 2021

On 22 Apr 2021, at 13:20, Filippo Moretti via freebsd-current <freebsd-current at> wrote:
> I run FreeBSD STING 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #24 main-n246214-78ffcb86d98: Tue Apr 20 17:51:50 CEST 2021     root at STING:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/STING  amd64
> will llvm12 be merged on main or should I get it manually?

I'm working on it, but it might take a while. You could install the
llvm12 package (or build the port if you have cycles to spare), and try
to see what happens when you build world. Your mileage may vary...

> In order to only build amd64 is it correct toWITHOUT_LLVM_TARGET_ALLWITH_LLVM_TARGET_X86sincerelyFilippo

From src.conf(5):

             Only build the required LLVM target support.  This option is
             preferred to specific target support options.

So you only need that option. The native target is always enabled.


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