NFS issues since upgrading to 13-RELEASE

Olav Gjerde olav at
Thu Apr 15 19:21:21 UTC 2021

Well something do happen if I restart NFS Service on FreeBSD , it works for
like 10 seconds then it gets unresponsive again.

This is my output from `nfsstat -d 1`

0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
8.00  1025    8.00  8.02 17170  134.54  2.01 72716  142.54  0.07  51  34
8.00  2273   17.76  7.99 31273  244.07  2.01 133267  261.83  0.14  20  82
8.03  4889   38.33  7.99 25885  202.07  2.06 119340  240.40  0.13  21  81
[===== Read =====]  [===== Write ====]  [=========== Total ============]
KB/t   tps    MB/s  KB/t   tps    MB/s  KB/t   tps    MB/s    ms  ql  %b
7.98  8811   68.64  8.00 12997  101.54  2.22 78396  170.18  0.15   1  80
7.99   922    7.20  8.00  3798   29.68  2.10 17965   36.87  0.09   0  11
8.07  2959   23.31  0.00     0    0.00  2.67  8938   23.31  0.86  32  72
7.97  7088   55.18  0.00     0    0.00  2.66 21233   55.18  1.05  16  98
7.98  4666   36.38  0.00     0    0.00  2.66 13986   36.38  0.36   9  29
8.00  4513   35.24  8.00  7662   59.86  2.20 44188   95.10  0.27  10  49
7.98  4799   37.40  8.00 11422   89.23  2.16 60076  126.63  0.19   0  51
8.00  4322   33.76  0.00     0    0.00  2.67 12967   33.76  0.89   0  42
8.02  4839   37.91  0.00     0    0.00  2.67 14550   37.91  0.54  17  41
8.01  4516   35.32  0.00     0    0.00  2.67 13569   35.32  0.57  27  38
7.95  4459   34.62  8.00  1195    9.34  2.49 18109   43.96  0.55   0  45
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0
0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00     0    0.00  0.00   0   0

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 9:07 PM Olav Gjerde <olav at> wrote:

> I have the same issue, using Ubuntu 20.10 with Linux 5.8 kernel. The Linux
> NFS client will get unresponsive and it does not recover in my case, even
> if I restart NFS on FreeBSD. I upgraded from FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE though.
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 8:36 PM Allan Jude <allanjude at> wrote:
>> On 4/15/2021 9:22 AM, Chris Roose wrote:
>> > I posted this in -questions and someone suggested I post here as well.
>> >
>> > I'm having NFS availability issues between my Proxmox client and
>> FreeBSD server (10G link) since upgrading to 13-RELEASE. And unfortunately
>> I upgraded my ZFS pool to v2.0.0 before I noticed the issue, so I'm kind of
>> stuck.
>> >
>> > Periodically, the NFS server (I've tried both v3 and v4.2 clients) will
>> go unresponsive for several minutes. I never had this problem on 12.2, and
>> as far as I can tell it's not a disk or network I/O issue. I'll get several
>> "nfs: server not responding, still trying" messages on the client and a few
>> minutes later it usually recovers. It's not clear to me yet what's causing
>> the block. Restarting nfsd on the server will resolve the issue if it
>> doesn't clear itself.
>> >
>> > Any pointers for troubleshooting this? I've been looking through
>> vmstat, gstat, top, etc. when the problem occurs, but I haven't been able
>> to pinpoint the issue. I can get pcap, but it would be from the hosts,
>> because I don't have a 10G tap or managed switch.
>> >
>> run `nfsstat -d 1` and try to capture a few lines from before, during,
>> and after the stall, and that may provide some insight.
>> Specifically, does the queue length grow, suggesting it is waiting on
>> the I/O subsystem, or does it just stop getting traffic all together.
>> --
>> Allan Jude
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> --
> Kind Regards / Med Vennlig Hilsen
> Olav Grønås Gjerde
> BackupBay Gjerde
> Madlaforen 35
> Norway
> Phone: +47 918 000 59

Kind Regards / Med Vennlig Hilsen

Olav Grønås Gjerde

BackupBay Gjerde
Madlaforen 35
Phone: +47 918 000 59

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