git and the loss of revision numbers
Michael Grimm
trashcan at
Fri Dec 25 16:08:32 UTC 2020
Christian Weisgerber <naddy at> wrote:
> Michael Grimm:
>> Correct? If so I wonder how future security advisories and errata notices will be composed. Will there be a date of the commit besides its hash being reported?
> For over TWENTY YEARS, FreeBSD advisories have already contained
> the date when the problem was corrected, e.g.:
Ups, sorry for my fading memory ;-) I must have concentrated solely to the revision numbers and descriptions in order to find out whether to recompile or not.
> I think it is safe to assume that this practice will continue after
> the switch to Git.
Thanks to all who responded and helped me to understand what to expect. Pointing me to git-rev-list(1) has been very helpful.
I came to the conclusion that I will name my BE by date and time of latest pull before buildworld or buildkernel, e.g. 2025_0955. That will help me to make decision as mentioned above.
With kind regards,
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