FreeBSD-13.0-CURRENT-amd64-20200409-r359731: drm-kmod failure?
Niclas Zeising
zeising+freebsd at
Sat Apr 11 07:06:02 UTC 2020
On 2020-04-11 08:09, Clay Daniels wrote:
> I removed what I thought was FreeBSD-13.0-CURRENT-amd64-20200402-r359556
> snapshot yesterday. It was working fine. I loaded the 20200409-r359731
> snapshot, rebooted, installed drm-kmod, and it booted into the first
> "flash" screen where there is a great light show as normal, but stalled out
> there.
> Today I cleaned up the partition and re-installed. I put the appropriate
> line in /etc/rc.conf: kld_list='amdgpu" but DID_NOT use the line I have
> been adding to /boot/loader.conf: hw.syscons.disable=1 . This time there
> was more no nice graphics light show, but it stalled with db> debug prompt.
> The section was where it tries to load drm-kmod & amdgpu.
> Just now I reloaded r359556 from Apr 2. It works just fine. I will use this
> until next weeks Thursday Current snapshot,, and see what happens.
How did you install the driver?
When using the drm drivers on current, you usually have to build them
from ports rather than use the packages, this way the driver matches the
kernel you are using.
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