hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

Masachika ISHIZUKA ish at amail.plala.or.jp
Wed Sep 18 22:56:47 UTC 2019

>>>>>>>> Can you please use absolute paths to i915kms.ko anyway, just to test?
>>    Now, drm-current-kmod is working fine on r352467 by your patch.
> Hi!
> I just updated the port with the fix I suggested earlier, hopefully it
> works.  It will take some time before it shows up as packages, but
> there is no problems building drm-current-kmod from ports even if
> packages are used for the rest of the system.

  It is good working drm-current-kmod-4.16.g20190918 in port tree.
  Thank you very much.
Masachika ISHIZUKA

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