Inability to build FreeBSD-current amd64

Thomas Mueller mueller6722 at
Thu May 16 07:35:16 UTC 2019

from Niclas Zeising:

> I run a build WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS, and that worked, on current, last weekend, if
> that's what you're asking about.
> This won't take away the need for llvm ports in certain ports builds, however,
> such as firefox and mesa.

So now I wonder why I failed four times straight building current.  One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.

Maybe the build host, 11.1-STABLE from July 30, 2017, was too old?  I wouldn't have thought it was too old.

I could also try an old current host from August 2, 2017, or try to build 12-STABLE from my 11.1-STABLE host.  Would I do better to build amd64 or i386 from amd64 host?  I presently have no FreeBSD i386 installation, only amd64.


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