UEFI firmware and getting FreeBSD recognized by default: who to talk to?
Thomas Mueller
mueller6722 at twc.com
Sun Jun 23 07:37:05 UTC 2019
from Karl Denninger and my previous post:
> > This is scary (Bitlocker), sent me to Wikipedia to look up Bitlocker.
> > Can you turn Bitlocker off after turning it on and get your system back?
> You SHOULD (better have!) kept the recovery key. If you have it, you
> can boot with it. Then turn it off and back on, and it will generate a
> new key.
> > Now I am even more scared to ever get a computer with MS-Windows!
> > One think on my mind is if I need a new motherboard, would it have the undesired Secure Boot? I guess I'd have to ask the seller and look on the motherboard manufacturer's website (MSI, ASRock, Asus, Gigabyte, or other).
> > I have no Secure Boot now.
> Probably. But you can shut THAT off (and should) provided you wish to
> dual boot. The exception is ARM-based systems, many of which are
> secure-boot ONLY. For Intel machines I've never run into one that can't
> have it turned off (and I'd return it immediately if I found one.)
> > I am trying to set up UEFI to boot my FreeBSD and NetBSD installations, and later, Linux.
> Tom
> Easy. Refind should do that and allow selection from a menu.
Can one recover after losing the recovery key? I think I would want to avoid Bitlocker from the outset (malware!).
I was thinking about AMD Ryzen if I need to replace motherboard. I would need a new CPU with any new motherboard, Intel or AMD-compatible, would also need new RAM (DDR4, I now have DDR3), and probaby a new case.
But I would keep and transfer any hard drives that are still good.
Can rEFInd find and boot FreeBSD, NetBSD, Haiku, etc?
I don't see any refind, however partially capitalized, in FreeBSD base system or ports, or NetBSD base system or pkgsrc. I find efibootmgr now in FreeBSD, but not NetBSD, base system.
I would want to label boot options with the partition label (like WD2G18, WD2G19, WD2G20, WD2G21, and others) so I can see on the boot menu.
I also notice it is difficult to choose the root partition when booting UEFI. I could create a zero-byte or very small file in root directory with the partition label name, like /WD2G18 on partition WD2G18 just to show up with ls.
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