HELP: UEFI/ZFS Boot failure: Ignoring Boot000A: Only one DP found

Toomas Soome tsoome at
Wed Aug 21 21:17:58 UTC 2019

> On 22 Aug 2019, at 00:07, Clay Daniels Jr. <clay.daniels.jr at> wrote:
> I would agree with Karl & Steffen about using rEFInd. It really gives you a
> lot more control of your computers boot. Take a look at Rod Smith's pages:
> I use it to triple boot Windows 10, MX Linux, and FreeBSD.
> Clay

rEFInd is fancy menu to start real boot loader, it really does not help if your boot loader is broken. In worst case, you can get fragmented memory from having rEFInd and native boot loader (depending on how stupid/buggy the firmware is).


> On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 3:59 PM Karl Denninger <karl at> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA256
>>> Am Wed, 21 Aug 2019 22:34:21 +0300
>>> Toomas Soome <tsoome at> schrieb:
>>>>> On 21 Aug 2019, at 22:30, O. Hartmann <ohartmann at> wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA256
>>>>> Am Wed, 21 Aug 2019 22:14:46 +0300
>>>>> Toomas Soome <tsoome at <mailto:tsoome at>> schrieb:
>>>>>> If you drop into efi shell, can you start efi/boot/bootx64.efi
>>> manually? you should have
>>>>>> fs0: or like for ESP.
>>>>>> rgds,
>>>>>> toomas
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I can't even stop to gain access to the shell; there is no
>>> timeframe to hit any key to
>>>>> stop by and access the efi shell.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> oh
>>>> hm? efi shell should be available from boot device menu, so you
>>> mean, you can not even get
>>>> into firmware setup?
>>>> rgds,
>>>> toomas
>>> Sorry,
>>> I confused loader prompt and EFI shell.
>>> I do not have a EFI shell on that type of laptop, not to know about
>>> it. I can access the
>>> firmware setup and already performed a reset and switched back to
>>> default settings. No effect.
>>> I just downloaded the newest CURRENT mem stick and extracted both
>>> boot1.efi and loader.efi and
>>> installed those into the ESP as described, setting the efibootmgr env
>>> accordingly. Still the
>>> same error.
>>> It seems that there is indeed no EFI/UEFI shell. There are Lenovo
>>> specific EFI boot options,
>>> like "diagnostics" and so on, if selected, the UEFI boots into a
>>> firmware embedded diagnostic
>>> menu. I tried several from the list given via efibootmgr show -v, but
>>> there is no shell from
>>> which I could access/boot an alternative loader.
>>> How I'm supposed to achive the access to this EFI shell? I doubt that
>>> on the E540 (beware of
>>> the E, it is not a L or T model) does have such a shell.
>>> Regards,
>>> oh
>> I would see if you can get REFIND loaded and use that.  I have a Lenovo
>> X1 Carbon Gen 6 and that's the answer I used, as it allows multi-boot
>> (e.g. Win10 and FreeBSD) easily.
>> I've not had trouble with 12.x on it, and I do use the
>> geli-encrypted-aware loader.efi.....
>> If there's a way to get into the EFI shell on Lenovo's laptops from the
>> BIOS during the boot I've not found it yet.  There's supposed to be on
>> all EFI devices, but you know how "supposed to" works in many cases, right?
>> --
>> Karl Denninger
>> karl at <mailto:karl at>
>> /The Market Ticker/
>> /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/
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