[RFC] Deprecation and removal of the drm2 driver

Philip Homburg pch-fbsd-1 at u-1.phicoh.com
Wed May 23 09:48:43 UTC 2018

>Also as the Moore's law curve flattens expect the life of these
>older, but not so old, machines to live quiet some time.  I
>believe we are talking sandy bridge and earlier?  If that is
>corret Sandy bridge is still a very viable system.

I noticed this lack of love for older systems recently. 

I wanted to use an older Dell server to test the 11.2 BETAs and RCs.

Turns out, you can't install FreeBSD using a USB stick image because the
BIOS only support MBR. No idea why MBR support was dropped for the USB images.

In the end I had to find a CD burner, and after a couple of tries managed to
install from CD.

After that, my ansible playbooks started failing because /boot/loader.conf 
is absent if you boot from zfs in combination with MBR.

Pity. This older server hardware is great for trying out new releases, play 
with zfs, etc.

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