Deadlocks / hangs in ZFS

Steve Wills swills at
Tue May 22 12:17:15 UTC 2018

I may be seeing similar issues. Have you tried leaving top -SHa running 
and seeing what threads are using CPU when it hangs? I did and saw pid 
17 [zfskern{txg_thread_enter}] using lots of CPU but no disk activity 
happening. Do you see similar?


On 05/22/18 04:17, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Hi,
> does someone else experience deadlocks / hangs in ZFS?
> What I see is that if on a 2 socket / 4 cores -> 16 threads system I do 
> a lot in parallel (e.g. updating ports in several jails), then the 
> system may get into a state were I can login, but any exit (e.g. from 
> top) or logout of shell blocks somewhere. Sometimes it helps to CTRL-C 
> all updates to get the system into a good shape again, but most of the 
> times it doesn't.
> On another system at the same rev (333966) with a lot less CPUs (and AMD 
> instead of Intel), I don't see such a behavior.
> Bye,
> Alexander.

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