Call for Testing: UEFI Changes

Niclas Zeising zeising+freebsd at
Sun Mar 25 20:12:28 UTC 2018

On 2018-03-25 14:52, Sheda wrote:
>> I've tested on two different computers, my ThinkPad x230 and my desktop
>> with a Intel DQ77MK motherboard.  I've only done light testing such as
>> loading efirt.ko and running efibootmgr to check the boot settings, but it
>> has worked fine.
>> I also haven't seen any issues with console graphics on either machine.
>> Both computers are running CURRENT from yesterday, the desktop is on
>> r331481 and the laptop probably somewhere around that as well.
> ​Hi,
> I also would like to test the changes on my X230 but looking at ​
>, the most
> recent snapshot seems to be r331345. How did you get r331481?

I updated my FreeBSD system from source.  There are instructions here and here on how to do it.

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