pcm1:virtual:dsp1.vp0: play interrupt timeout, channel dead

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com
Sun Mar 18 23:44:34 UTC 2018

In message <764e2df5-613d-a131-5d7d-6df54599509b at gmail.com>, Theron 
Tarigo writ
> On 03/18/18 18:35, AN wrote:
> > Is there a way to restart the audio subsystem without rebooting the 
> > machine?
> Building kernel with sound and snd_* as loadable modules should enable 
> this to be accomplished with kldunload/kldload.  In my experience though 
> all sound device files must be closed before unloading these modules to 
> avoid some lockup issues.

The other thing you might want to check out is if you multiboot your 
laptop that any non-FreeBSD operating system may put hardware into an 
inconsistent state. For example, my Acer laptop loses sound if I boot 
Windows then boot FreeBSD. The workaround is either adjust the HDA 
inputs/outputs through sysctl or simply power cycle the laptop.

Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <cy at FreeBSD.org>   Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

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