Compilation failure of the kernel for drm-next

Pete Wright pete at
Tue Feb 27 02:04:02 UTC 2018

On 02/26/2018 17:17, Mylan Connolly wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm not sure if this is the best place to send this, but it looks like the issue tracker in Github is a bit dead.

there may not be much traffic on it recently, but people are def still 
actively working on the repository and will see when new issues are 

as of now your best to to use or test out the drm-next bits is to run a 
recent 12-CURRENT with no patches applied.  then you can build the port 
or package via the ports tree under graphics/drm-next-kmod.  it 
currently runs on my end under 12-CURRENT and 11-STABLE.


Pete Wright
pete at

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