C++ in jemalloc

Conrad Meyer cem at freebsd.org
Fri Oct 6 16:59:05 UTC 2017

On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Ian Lepore <ian at freebsd.org> wrote:
> It isn't about "a broken port".  All C++ code is broken if exceptions
> don't work.  That means devd is broken.  Not to mention clang itself.
>  It may be that neither of those relies on exceptions for routine
> operation and uses them only for error handling, and errors mostly
> don't happen.  There is plenty of C++ code in the world where
> exceptions are used in non-fatal-error cases and where the applications
> just don't work at all without them.

Then use G++ for C++ on those second-tier architectures.  We've got a
working C++ toolchain.


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