Another INO64 Disaster

Ed Maste emaste at
Sat May 27 17:59:30 UTC 2017

On 27 May 2017 at 12:25, Thomas Laus <lausts at> wrote:
> After the
> first boot, I tried to install the pkg system.  The first fault said
> that the was missing.

Yes, the most recent package set available is built against a
pre-ino64 world and depends on older versions of libraries (like
libarchive) than those provided in an ino64 image. In-place upgrades
will work because existing binaries still use the old, not-deleted
libraries, but existing packages won't work against a fresh ino64

You can wait until the next package build (against ino64 world) is
complete, or build your own packages from the ports tree or via

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