Inter-VLAN routing on CURRENT: any known issues?

O. Hartmann o.hartmann at
Fri Jul 14 11:47:13 UTC 2017

Am Thu, 13 Jul 2017 16:12:06 +0300
"Andrey V. Elsukov" <bu7cher at> schrieb:

> On 12.07.2017 22:43, O. Hartmann wrote:
> > Now the FUN PART:
> > 
> > From any host in any VLAN I'm able to ping hosts on the wild internet via
> > their IP, on VLAN 1000 there is a DNS running, so I'm also able to resolv
> > names like or But I can NOT(!) access any host via
> > http/www or ssh.   
> You have not specified where is the NAT configured and its settings is
> matters.

I use in-kernel NAT. IPFW is performing NAT. In firewall type "OPEN" from the
vanilla rc.conf, IPFW has instance "nat 123" which provides then NAT.

> VLANs work on the layer2, they do not used for IP routing. Each received
> packet loses its layer2 header before it gets taken by IP stack. If an
> IP packet should be routed, the IP stack determines outgoing interface
> and new ethernet header with VLAN header from this interface is prepended.

Since all VLANs are on the same NIC on that router, they should only differ in
the VLAN tag.

> What I would do in your place:
> 1. Check the correctness of the switch settings.
>   - on the router use tcpdump on each vlan interface and
>     also directly on igb1. Use -e argument to see ethernet header.
>     Try ping router's IP address from each vlan, you should see tagged
>     packet on igb1 and untagged on corresponding vlan interface.
> 2. Check the correctness of the routing settings for each used node.
>   - to be able establish connection from one vlan to another, both nodes
>     must have a route to each other.
> 3. Check the NAT settings.
>   - to be able to connect to the Internet from your addresses, you must
>     use NAT. If you don't have NAT, but it somehow works, this means
>     that some device does the translation for you, but it's
>     configuration does not meet to your requirements. And probably you
>     need to translate prefixes configured for your vlans independently.

According to 1):

I consider the settings of the switch now as correct. I have no access to the
router right now. But I did short experiments yesterday evening and it is
weird: loged in on thr router, I can ping every host on any VLAN, so ICMP
travel from the router the right way to its destination and back.

From any host on any VLAN that is "trunked" through the router, I can ping any
other host on any other VLAN, preferrably not on the same VLAN. By cutting off
the trunk line to the router, pinging stops immediately.

From any host on any VLAN I can ping any host which is NATed on the outside

From the router itself, I can ssh into any host on any VLAN providing ssh
service. That said, according to question 3), NAT is considered to be setup

Now the strange things: Neither UDP, nor TCP services "flow" from hosts on one
VLAN to hosts on a different VLAN. Even ssh doens't work. 
When loged in onto the router, I can't "traceroute" any host on any VLAN.

According to question 2), the ability to ping from, say, a host on VLAN 1000 to
another host on VLAN 2 passing through the router would indicate that both
sides know their routes to each other. Or am I wrong?

I got words from Sean bruno that there might be a problem with the Intel i210
chipset in recent CURRENT - and the hardware on the PCEngine APU 2C4 is three
i210. I'm aware of the problem since r320134 (the oldest CURRENT I started
experimenting with the VLAN trunking).

I hope it might be a problem with the driver, otherwise I have fully
misunderstood FreeBSD's network abilities and techniques :-(

I'll provide tcpdump data later.

Kind regards,


O. Hartmann

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