.configure && make fails to find ld [dlopen]

blubee blubeeme gurenchan at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 15:24:16 UTC 2017

Hi Ben

If you can help me with this, I would appreciate it greatly. I am trying to
port this project to FreeBSD:

After I grab those files then I run autoreconf -fi;
I am not sure how to get autoreconf to not put INCLUDES, which autoreconf
complains about.

After running autoreconf -fi I make the edits, that you can see with the
attached patch updated.path file. [is there's a way to make autoreconf -fi
not write INCLUDES but instead use the AM_CPPFLAGS?]

After I edit the files I run ./configure --prefix=/tmp

this seems to go well, no errors

Then I run make, this seems to go okay as well, it generates 3 warnings but
seems to run to completion, pastebin of the warnings:

after that I run make install and it installs some files in the tmp

├── doc
│   ├── AUTHORS
│   ├── COPYING
│   ├── NEWS
│   └── README
├── etc
│   └── ld.so.conf.d
│       └── 99-epson-inkjet-printer.conf
└── lib
    └── cups
        └── filter
            └── epson_inkjet_printer_filter

6 directories, 8 files

This might seem a bit silly but I am stuck here. These are the drivers for
the printer that I have but I noticed a few things wrong.

1) The PPD files didn't get copied over
2) The filter file is some type shared library and I am not sure how to use

I know that I will need to move these files to /usr/local/libexec/cups
folder in their proper locations but why didn't the PPD files get installed?

Can I get some help sorting this out?

/usr/local/libexec/cups % tree .
├── backend
│   ├── beh
│   ├── dnssd
│   ├── driverless -> /usr/local/libexec/cups/driver/driverless
│   ├── http -> ipp
│   ├── https -> ipp
│   ├── implicitclass
│   ├── ipp
│   ├── ipps -> ipp
│   ├── lpd
│   ├── parallel
│   ├── serial
│   ├── snmp
│   ├── socket
│   └── usb
├── cgi-bin
│   ├── admin.cgi
│   ├── classes.cgi
│   ├── help.cgi
│   ├── jobs.cgi
│   └── printers.cgi
├── daemon
│   ├── cups-deviced
│   ├── cups-driverd
│   ├── cups-exec
│   └── cups-lpd
├── driver
│   └── driverless
├── filter
│   ├── bannertopdf
│   ├── commandtoescpx
│   ├── commandtopclx
│   ├── commandtops
│   ├── foomatic-rip
│   ├── gstopdf
│   ├── gstopxl
│   ├── gstoraster
│   ├── gziptoany
│   ├── imagetopdf
│   ├── imagetops
│   ├── imagetoraster
│   ├── pdftoijs
│   ├── pdftoopvp
│   ├── pdftopdf
│   ├── pdftops
│   ├── pdftoraster
│   ├── pstops
│   ├── rastertodymo -> rastertolabel
│   ├── rastertoepson
│   ├── rastertoescpx
│   ├── rastertohp
│   ├── rastertolabel
│   ├── rastertopclx
│   ├── rastertopdf
│   ├── rastertops
│   ├── rastertopwg
│   ├── sys5ippprinter
│   ├── texttopdf
│   ├── texttops
│   └── texttotext
├── monitor
│   ├── bcp
│   └── tbcp
└── notifier
    ├── dbus
    ├── mailto
    └── rss

On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 9:52 PM, Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk at mit.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 09:55:35AM +0800, blubee blubeeme wrote:
> >
> > those are sprinkled all over the place, how do I avoid that and use libc
> > instead?
> The software you are building needs to update their configure process
> to cope with dlopen being somewhere other than libdl, from what information
> you've provided.  Without looking at their source tree it's hard to
> say exactly what this would entail.
> -Ben
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