r322076 breaks vtnet connectivity

Orion Tiller orion at blackboxconsortium.com
Fri Aug 11 02:49:27 UTC 2017

> Hi
> I have a host on Digital Ocean (qemu) and the change in r322076 breaks
> my vtnet0 interface.  The interface still comes up but does not pass
> traffic any more.  It's not obvious to my why the changes from r322075
> to r322076 affect the vtnet interface.
> Ian
Not sure if you have the same issue but I get the same thing happening
to my DO droplets after I upgrade them sometimes.  You can usually fix
it by putting the contents of the /etc/rc.digitalocean.d/droplet.conf
file into your /etc/rc.conf file.  Sometimes the file name is like this
with digits /etc/rc.digitalocean.d/39502227.conf just depends.

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