NFSv4 compatibility with ESX6U2

Rick Macklem rmacklem at
Mon May 30 11:42:08 UTC 2016

Michael Butler wrote:
> On 05/29/16 21:05, Michael Butler wrote:
> > I was just fooling around with ESX this evening and trying to add an
> > NFSv4 mount onto it as extra storage. Curiously, given the correct
> > credentials, it will report the total volume size and free remaining but
> > won't display either files or subdirectories :-(
> > 
> > In this case, the underlying file-system is UFS but I was hoping to
> > migrate to a ZFS share once this worked.
> > 
> > Is there something I can do to identify the interoperability issue?
> Never mind - I got it working with the username set to "user at domain" ..
> <sigh>
If user<->uid mapping keeps giving you grief, you can:
sysctl vfs.nfsd.enable_stringtouid=1
on the NFS server and then kill off the nfsuserd on both client and server.
(After doing this, the user on the wire is just a string with the uid in it
 like "102". Same applies to groups.)

Also, you need to avoid multiple username->same uid mappings. I delete "toor"
from /etc/passwd for example.


> 	imb
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