exports(5) no longer allows multiple paths per line?

Ngie Cooper yaneurabeya at gmail.com
Fri May 27 02:12:59 UTC 2016

    It seems like the following /etc/exports should work, but for some
odd reason specifying both paths on a single line doesn't work (I
swore it was working on a kernel/userland built in the past month,
i.e. ^/head at r297950, but I might be misremembering things).
    exports(5) claims that 2 mountpoints (at least) can be used on a
single line, but my experiments prove otherwise.

    Example from exports(5):

           /usr /usr/local -maproot=0:10 friends

    Failing example:

# df -h /tftpboot /home/ngie
Filesystem         Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
zroot/tftpboot     232G    1.2G    231G     1%    /tftpboot
zroot/home/ngie    236G    5.5G    231G     2%    /home/ngie
# cat /etc/exports
/home/ngie/freebsd /tftpboot -maproot=0:0 -alldirs -ro
# stat -f '%d %r %N' /tftpboot/ /home/ngie
3945781817 4294967295 /tftpboot/
3049773785 4294967295 /home/ngie
# showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:

    Working example:

# service mountd start
Starting mountd.
# showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:
/tftpboot                          Everyone
/home/ngie/freebsd                 Everyone


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