Digi Watchport/T temperature sensor as /dev/ttyU

O. Hartmann ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Aug 26 13:38:52 UTC 2016

On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 13:12:35 -0600
Ian Lepore <ian at freebsd.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 2016-07-24 at 12:52 -0600, Warner Losh wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at gmail.com>
> > wrote:  
> > > There are several different USB serial drivers. Off-hand I see
> > > ubser, ubsa,
> > > uchcom, ucom, ucycom, uftdi, ubgensa, umcs, umct, umoscom, uplcom,
> > > usb_serial, uslcom, and uvscom. Whether any of these will support
> > > the TI
> > > chip, I can't say. Most have man pages, but a few, as has been
> > > noted, are
> > > lacking one.  
> > 
> > I tried to automate discovery of these things. However, the only way
> > you can really know for sure about the TI chip is to read it's
> > datasheet
> > and compare that with extant drivers. It's actually easier than it
> > sounds.
> > 
> > I've often thought of unification of the TTY USB drivers, since they
> > are
> > most (but not all) based on the standard plus extra bits.
> > 
> > Warner  
> To reiterate:  we do not have a driver for TI 5052 chips.
> It's not much like other usb-serial chips.  In fact it's not strictly a
> usb-serial chip, it's a multifunction chip that includes a software
> -controllable usb hub, 2 serial ports, gpio, an i2c bus master, an MCU
> interface, a multichannel DMA controller, and apparently even has the
> ability to download your own 8052-compatible microcontroller code into
> the 5052 and have it take over from the built-in rom code.
> It would be reasonable enough to write a driver that initially
> supported only the uart part of the chip.
> -- Ian

It is me again.

I opened one of those digi watchports since I read that Ti has discontinued the
TI5052 chip and encourage developers to use a newer one. The print on the chip
itself residing on the PCB is TUSB3410I and this refers to a Ti TUSB3410 as it
is referred to by the TI 5052 page:

I never wrote a driver my own, so starting from scratch would be inefficient,
but for the long shot, it might be an idea.

Thanks anyway for the efford taken to look into it. I hope we will see at least
some manpage for ugensa.

I'm still looking for simple sensor devices which could be attached to FreeBSD
for monitoring temperature and/or humidity - as it was intended by using the
digi watchport. I'm now with an experimental piece of hardware with two DALLAS
DS18B20 temperature sensors.

It is a USB interface PCB with an AT90USB162 microcontroler chip.
Attached to a FreeBSD 12-CURRENT system, it reports itself as a UHID device.
there is also a software package available - for Windows and Linux, but it
doesn't work for FreeBSD, the package compiles and produces a cmdline binary,
but it fails reading the sensor data - the uhid driver seems to be unloaded
during the call. I have no skills in writing low-level USB software, so my
explanation is slopy, sorry. But there is hope I can use this one.

Kind regards,


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