why 100 packages are evil

Joe Holden mail at m.jwh.me.uk
Mon Apr 25 07:42:24 UTC 2016

On 25/04/2016 08:39, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Gerrit Kühn wrote on 04/25/2016 07:48:
>> On Sat, 23 Apr 2016 18:52:32 +0100 Matthew Seaman <matthew at FreeBSD.org>
>> wrote about Re: why 100 packages are evil:
>> MS> > Is freebsd-update going away as result of the new packaging ?
>>> Yes.  It will be replaced by 'pkg upgrade' -- as far as I know, that's
>>> the plan for 11.0-RELEASE.
>> Hm... I never had any troubles with freebsd-update, it always "just
>> worked" for me. OTOH, I remember having several issues with pkg,
>> requiring
>> to fix databases manually and so on.
> I had many issues with freebsd-update in the past so the last year I
> converted all machines back to "installkernel & installworld" from NFS
> mounted build server. It is faster and predictable than freebsd-update
> (in my case).
> I hope that pkg upgrade will be good replacement one day. But I don't
> think it is good enough right now.
> Miroslav Lachman
As another useless datapoint - I've not had any real issues with 
freebsd-update and I've been using it since 6.x, same with pkg(ng) after 
the initial bugs were ironed out, this is on 30-40 production servers.

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