[CFT] packaging the base system with pkg(8)

dan_partelly dan_partelly at rdsor.ro
Fri Apr 22 14:27:28 UTC 2016

It's lack of communication.

> *This* is the reason that *this* and similar topics become so heated;

> People who are part of a "community", such as FreeBSD. Want to feel
> they are part of the "big picture", and immediately feel resentment,

It is in fact much more than that. Surely there are  such psycho-social
effects as you describe, after all we humans are subject to hundred os
socio-psycological biases. But there is a much more practical and mundane
issue as well:
People who use this operating system in their operations have a great
stake in it. Such changes affect operations. I welcome change, but at the
same time I try to ensure that change goes smoothly. Investing in BSDs by
using them
in our operation is not a whim, or a decision made drunk under a bridge.
It costs us money, time , investment in educating other people to
administer those OSEs, continuous education  to keep up with change. More
than all this, it
costs us business reputation when we decide to build an infrastructure for
a client on BSDs, and something goes wrong. And I want to keep my customers
happy and so far the BSDs delivered this. 

> when they find they were left out of "big" decisions, like pkg(8).

IMO, Its not a problem to be left out of decisions. First, because they
are not our decisions to take, and second because I believe decisions are
better to be made by small group of persons.  What is a problem is the fact
that when you 
discuss those projects and voice your opinions, some label you "anti
progress", some " peasant storming a (lord's) castle (with or without a
pitchfork,cant remember :P) , others feel that you dont appreciate them and
their time, and then they retreat somewhere. You can invalidate the
decision made by said group by stoping using the product. Im sure none
would care in the unlikely even that I would  stop using FreeBSD, but I
think they cared when Yahoo stopped using it. Or if they did not, they 
should have cared :P

> People who are part of a "community", such as FreeBSD. Want to feel
> they are part of the "big picture", and immediately feel resentment,
> when they find they were left out of "big" decisions, like pkg(8).
> While the conversation may well have been heated. It would *not*
> have meet *quite* as much adamant, persistent resistance. Because
> it (pkg) would have been molded into something from the culmination
> of the "community'" input.
> This is only from 50 years in the service industry, and the
> thousands of mailing lists I've been on, talking here.
> --Chris
>> -- 
>> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
>> phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
>> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
>> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by
>> incompetence.
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