CURRENT: EFI boot failure

Allan Jude allanjude at
Tue Sep 16 00:36:19 UTC 2014

On 2014-09-15 20:05, O. Hartmann wrote:
> Installing FreeBSD-11.0-CURRENT-amd64-20140903-r270990 on a Laptop works for UEFI fine.
> After I updated the sources to  r271649, recompiled world and kernel (as well as
> installed), now I get stuck with the screen message:
>>> FreeBSD EFI boot block
>    Loader path: /boot/loader.efi
> and nothing happens. After a couple of minutes, the system reboots.
> What happened and how can this problem be solved?

You might need to update the boot1.efi file on the UEFI partition (small
FAT partition on the disk)

I am not sure how 'in sync' boot1.efi (on the fat partiton) and
loader.efi have to be.

Allan Jude

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